Shireen Bell
Shireen has worked as a registered nurse in areas including medical, surgical, emergency room and perioperative care. She gradually transitioned into teaching starting in 2005. She loves working with students especially in clinical education and pursued her certification as a clinical educator (CCCI) through the Canadian Association for Schools of Nursing. She has also worked as a Faculty Navigator guiding new faculty through their transition from clinician to educator. She is a PhD Candidate, and her PhD research explores expressions of resilience in undergraduate nursing students identifying as Indigenous, Black or Racialized Persons. Other areas of scholarly and research pursuits include global health, newcomer health, antiracism, antiracist pedagogy, universal design for learning, intersectionality, appreciative inquiry, and arts-based methods. Her specializations helped in the redesign of IntD 370 Intersections in Global Health and the teaching support of IntD 301 Cultural Immersion course which involved international travel to Honduras and Mexico.
Shireen worked as a research assistant at University of Alberta while completing her masters and was involved in several research projects (i.e., maternity service provisions for newcomer women, experiences of internationally educated nurses, cultural assessment tool for acute care). Shireen has received several high-level awards related to graduate studies but being acknowledged in her own workplace as the 2022 recipient of the Dr. Marguerite Schumacher’s, Spirit of Nursing award is very special to her. She is also current board chair of Alberta Registered Nurses Educational Trust, a provincial level organization that supports education and research of registered nurses and nurse practitioners.
- Master of Nursing, MN, University of Alberta
- Post RN Baccalaureate of Nursing, BScN, University of Alberta
- Nursing Diploma, RN, Keyano College
- Canadian Certified Clinical Instructor, CCCI, Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing