

Stay Informed On What's Happening At RDP

Red Deer Polytechnic is proud of the diverse students, faculty, staff, partners, alumni and others who are part of the Polytechnic community. Read the latest news and blogs about Red Deer Polytechnic's people, programs and initiatives.

RDP News

Annual Research Showcase Celebrates Applied Research and Innovation
Red Deer Polytechnic (RDP) continues to recognize and celebrate its vast applied research that helps create tangible outcomes to specific challenges across our province, and beyond. On March 12, members of the Polytechnic community shared its innovative research projects and scholarly activity at RDP’s Fourth Annual Research Showcase. “The Research Showcase demonstrated the multi-disciplinary research that is initiated by students, faculty and staff across the Polytechnic, providing significant impact for academia, industry and communities,” says Lindsay Engel, Vice President, Academic and Student Experience, Red Deer Polytechnic. “As a polytechnic institution, we strategically integrate applied research with education and training to help advance Alberta’s priorities and productivity.” This year, the Polytechnic’s Research Showcase featured three poster displays and 18 presentations about a variety of subjects. Many of the applied research projects that were presented involved interdisciplinary collaboration between students, faculty and partners, highlighting actionable outcomes in communities and industry. Seven breakout sessions, which covered topics in humanities, science, technology and wellness, complemented the experiences of attendees. As an example, one session featured a research project titled Identification of Vertebrate Prey Within Black Bear Scat. It showcased collaboration between Taylor Eaton, an RDP student, Ramona Maraj, Ecologist Team Leader II with Parks
Evan holds a sledge hockey platform with black seat and metal base.
RDP & Partners Advance Canadian Parasport Innovation
Through grants and funding, Red Deer Polytechnic (RDP), Canadian Sport Institute Alberta (CSIAB) and Bowhead Corp. are collaborating to revolutionize the parasport equipment used by para-athletes across the country in training and competition. This project, titled Increasing Accessibility to Specialized Parasport Equipment Across Canada Through Advanced Design and Manufacturing, is worth $860,000. It is supported by a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Applied Research and Development (ARD) grant ($450,000) and an Alberta Innovates Campus Alberta Small Business Engagement (CASBE) grant ($300,000). In addition, CSIAB has contributed $110,000 toward this project. These funds will be distributed over three years. “We are grateful for these investments which help integrate sports, multi-disciplinary applied research and advanced manufacturing to develop customized parasport equipment and reduce barriers for Canadian athletes,” says Dr. Tonya Wolfe, Associate Vice President, Applied Research, Red Deer Polytechnic. “This is an exciting project and is one example of how RDP’s multi-disciplinary approach in applied research and enhanced partnerships help to address the needs of people, industry and communities across Canada.” Red Deer Polytechnic staff and the institution’s Centre for Innovation in Manufacturing–Technology Access Centre (CIM-TAC) will play an integral role in helping to create inclusive and cost-effective
Red Hot Science Robot Pow Wow in January 2024
RDP Receives National Recognition for Red Hot Science
Red Deer Polytechnic (RDP) was recently recognized on the national stage for creating innovative experiences for Indigenous youth. Actua, Canada’s leading science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) youth outreach organization, presented RDP with the Actua Experience Award at its 2025 National Conference. The Polytechnic was acknowledged for advancing scientific knowledge and discovery with Indigenous youth through the institution’s Red Hot Science program. “We appreciate this recognition by our valued partners at Actua to continue supporting Indigenous youth in STEM education through our dynamic Red Hot Science program,” says David Pye, Dean, School of Trades and Technology. “These innovative opportunities incorporate STEM experiences, cultural relevance and community connections. They may inspire youth to pursue a career in STEM, helping to fulfill the needs of communities and industry across Alberta.” The Polytechnic’s Red Hot Science program, housed within RDP’s School of Trades and Technology, is designed for students from kindergarten to grade 12, offers customizable hands-on activities while helping to remove barriers to STEM experiences. Classes and youth groups have several options for activities, including to learn more about engineering and technology. Students may also create simple coding, build robots and enhance their digital skills. In addition, youth can perform experiments in
Research technician using 3d printer
Prairie Polytechnic Innovation Network Receives Nearly $1 Million to Advance Innovation
PrairiesCan is investing $899,500 into the Prairie Polytechnic Innovation Network Accelerating Commercialization for Local Ecosystems (P2INACLE). P2INACLE will drive social, economic and technological innovation across western Canada by providing businesses access to polytechnic facilities, equipment and research expertise. P2INACLE members include Red Deer Polytechnic (RDP), Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT), Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT), Northwestern Polytechnic, RRC Polytech and Saskatchewan Polytechnic—all leading polytechnic institutions located across the Canadian prairies. P2INACLE, led by Saskatchewan Polytechnic, will launch its first pilot with the International Minerals Innovation Institute (IMII) this spring. This pilot will bring together polytechnics and industry partners from across the prairies to develop a collaborative network that will fund and work on applied research projects. The goal is to identify challenges and develop innovative solutions for the mining and minerals sector in western Canada. “Success on the Prairies has always been built on cooperation. That’s why our government is supporting P2INACLE—a partnership bringing Prairie polytechnics together to turn research into practical solutions. By working together to tackle challenges in the mining sector and beyond, P2INACLE is driving economic growth, creating quality jobs, and setting a new standard for how applied research can empower communities far beyond the