Tracking Your Application

More Opportunities Begin Here
You've chosen a program and applied to attend Red Deer Polytechnic.
Congratulations! This is a big, yet exciting, decision. And we couldn't be happier to help you achieve your career and life goals.
Our team in the Office of the Registrar works as quickly as possible to process your application, so that you can get started in your courses.
We appreciate your help to provide us with all the details we request to help us process your application in a timely manner. Read the information below to help you understand how we process your application.
Our Admissions Process
Admission Offer Descriptions
Once our team has reviewed your application, we will inform you of the admission decision through the student portal, MyRDP. Check back often for Personal Announcement updates from RDP.
Admission Types Descriptions
Conditional Admission
You will receive conditional admission to a program if you indicate on your application that you have completed or are completing the program admission requirements.
Official Admission
You will receive official admission to a program when all official documents (e.g. transcripts, IQAS assessments, Study Permits) are received in RDP's Office of the Registrar and you meet all program admission requirements.
Note: Your admission may be cancelled if official documents and fees are not submitted by deadlines provided to you in the information we share.
If you qualify for admission after the program has filled to capacity, you will be placed on a waitlist. You will be advised if space becomes available.
Refusal of Admission
All applicants must meet all Admission Requirements and Other Requirements for your chosen program. These criteria are identified on each program webpage.
Red Deer Polytechnic reserves the right to refuse admission to any person.
Contact us if you have questions or want appeal an admission decision
403.342.3400 or toll-free (in Canada) at 1.888.732.4630.
Accepting, Deferring, Cancelling or Changing Your Admission
Once we inform you on MyRDP of the admission decision for the program(s) you've applied to attend, we need your help to let us know how you'd like to proceed.
Your life situation may change after applying to Red Deer Polytechnic. We're here to help you if you need to change your application.
Accepting Your Admission Offer
All applicants must meet Admission Requirements and Other Requirements. These criteria are identified on each program's webpage.
We hope that you accept the Conditional or Official Admission Offer that is sent to you, once we have processed your application. Please follow instructions that are provided to you in messages we share with you from RDP on MyRDP throughout the admissions process to ensure you successfully begin your studies.
Admission Deferral
If circumstances arise and you are unable to attend RDP, you can request an admission deferral once, to a future term, within a year from your original term of admission. Email the Office of the Registrar with rationale to request the admission deferral.
Cancelling Your Application or Admission
If you need to cancel your admission, either email us or call us. Our phone number is 403.342.3400 or 1.888.475.1101 (toll-free in Canada).
Choosing Another Program
If you are not admitted into your first program choice, we will inform you of the reason. We will also offer you help to choose another program that you may be interested in, ensuring you also meet all Admission and Other Requirements for the new program.
Please stay connected with us once you've applied to attend Red Deer Polytechnic. All admission messages will be posted as a Personal Announcement to your account on RDP's online portal, MyRDP
It is important to log in regularly as you will not be notified when there is a change or update to your application.
Test & Interview Results
Test and interview results are kept confidential according to Red Deer Polytechnic policies and the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act of Alberta.
You may contact the Office of the Registrar for your admission testing results.
If you are not admitted to a program based on an interview or audition, you can contact and request the rationale from the Associate Dean of the program for which you have applied.
Returning to Red Deer Polytechnic
If you previously attended RDP and want to return, you will need to submit a new application and pay the non-refundable application fee.
Previously submitted documents, such as transcripts, are kept on file by Red Deer Polytechnic. You do not need to re-submit these documents, unless they have changed.
Application Fees
Thank you for submitting the application fee as you initially apply to attend RDP.
The application fee applies for one year from the original term of admission.
If you are currently attending RDP and do not register in classes in a Fall or Winter term then decide to attend in the future, you will need to re-apply and pay the non-refundable application fee.
We're happy to discuss any admission questions or concerns you may have.
Contact RDP's Office of the Registrar if you have concerns about an admission decision.
Email us, or call us at 403.342.3400 or toll-free (in Canada) at 1.888.732.4630.