Leadership & Governance
Meet Our Executive Leadership Team

Stuart Cullum, President

Lindsay Engel, VP Academic & Student Experience

Patrick Machacek, VP Development & Partnerships

Jim Brinkhurst, VP Finance and Administration & CFO

Laurel Corbiere, Chief of Staff & Board Liaison

Cristal Glass-Painchaud, Chief Human Resources Officer
Polytechnic Leadership Team
RDP's Polytechnic Leadership team is comprised of senior leaders from across the institution.
Our Mandate
RDP offers education and training programs, and engages in industry and community driven applied research, to meet the needs of Albertans.
RDP has a variety of policies that help guide consistent actions and processes in our daily operations.

Our Strategic Plans & Financial Reports
In the spirit of transparency, through RDP's Finance department and Strategic Projects & Integrated Planning departments, we ensure that government partners, community members and other stakeholders receive data and reporting information.
Our organization's strategic and operational plans are compiled in annual reports and other planning documents. We also share expense reports and public sector body compensation disclosure reports for our senior leaders.
Red Deer Polytechnic’s Board of Governors is the institution's governing body. Board of Governors members include Red Deer Polytechnic's President, faculty, staff, students and citizens from surrounding communities.
The Academic Council is responsible for making recommendations or providing reports regarding academic matters, or any other matter considered advisable, to the President. The membership of the Council includes elected students, elected faculty, and appointed administrators.