
Testing Services

RDP Testing Services administers and monitors exams for the campus and surrounding community. We prioritize academic honesty in inclusive and accessible testing environments.

Testing Services is located in NOVA Chemicals Learning Common (Room 928) on Main Campus. 

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External Testing

Our team can host almost any exam you may need proctored. Should you require additional exam proctors for an exam, please do not hesitate to contact us via email  or by phone at 403.342.3292. 

GED/Canadian Adult Education Credential (CAEC) Testing

We will launch a new adult education credential to replace the GED on November 4, 2024. Stay tuned for updates!

Non-RDP Post-Secondary Testing

RDP Testing Services can proctor tests from other post-secondary institutions such as SAIT, NAIT, Athabasca University and more! E-mail us to find out if we can facilitate your institution's exams.

To request a booking, submit the Exam Request form no later than three days before your writing date. 

Invigilation fees are:

  • $78.75 for tests up to two hours long
  • $99.75 for tests over two hours long 

Once we have confirmed your test date and time, contact your institution to confirm that you will be taking your test at RDP. They will send us the materials and instructions needed to run your test.

If you are approved for accommodations with your institution, you can ask them to forward any relevant information to us so that we can facilitate them at our location.

Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program and Canadian Academic English Language Tests
  1. Review exam information and book your CELPIP or CAEL Test

  2. Bring your photo ID when you write the test 

Alberta Insurance Council (AIC) Test
  1. Book the AIC test

  2. Submit an Exam Request form to book your test writing at RDP.

Note: There is a $78.75 fee to take the exam at RDP, which is separate from the AIC test fee.

Firefighter Fitness - Physical Aptitude Test

Offered in Partnership with Red Deer Emergency Services to evaluate recruits for physical fitness capacities. 

View more information about this test or contact the RDP Strength & Conditioning Coordinator at 403.356.5100

P.A.R.E - Physical Ability Readiness Evaluation Testing

RDP hosts P.A.R.E. testing for individuals applying to the RCMP or other physical forces, or who are already members.

View upcoming dates and register for your testing through RDP Sports & Recreation.

Test Day Information

Arriving For Your Test

Testing Services is located in NOVA Chemicals Learning Common (Room 940) on Main Campus. Parking can be paid for at the pay stations located just inside the campus entrances. Please review the Testing Centre rules before visiting.

The NCLC is a quiet learning space, all users/visitors are asked to keep volume levels low while in the space.

Once you are in the exam room, please do not speak. If you have a question or an issue with your test, please raise your hand or enter the invigilator’s office to speak with the Test Centre staff. Do not ask other test-takers for help with technical issues

Plan to arrive about 15 minutes before your test is scheduled to start to allow time for check-in and instructions.

Bring your Government-issued Photo ID with you when you come to write your test. You will need to present this for entry to Testing Services.

Permitted/Restricted Items

Please be aware that you may not be allowed to bring in any personal belongings that are not required for your test. Lockers are provided at the Test Centre for secure storage.

Food and Drinks

Food is not allowed inside the testing area unless approved as accommodation. Drinks are allowed if they are inside a clear, noise-conscious container. 

Restricted Items

Items that are generally not allowed include cell phones, watches and paper that is not approved for your test and any non-approved electronic devices. Scrap paper, if allowed for your test, will be provided by Testing Services.


If a calculator is allowed for your test, we will confirm if the type/model is acceptable according to your test instructions. If it is not, we may be able to lend you an appropriate calculator. If you bring a programmable calculator, you may be asked to clear the memory on your device.


If you require the use of headphones for your test (or for your approved accommodations), you may bring your own so long as it is a wired device. Wireless headphones are not permitted. If you require headphones, earbuds, or earplugs, but don’t have your own, we can provide some for you.

Health / Medical Needs

If you require access to food, medication, or any items for health or accessibility reasons, we ask that you contact your test provider to request accommodation. If this is an RDP test, you will need to connect with Accessibility Services.

Test Centre Rules

No Speaking

Please do not speak while inside the testing area. If you have a question or an issue with your test, please raise your hand or enter the invigilator’s office to speak with Test Centre staff. Do not ask other test-takers for help with technical issues.

Taking Breaks

If your test’s rules permit breaks, they must be within view of Test Centre staff and you may not access your personal belongings unless you have a specific arrangement or accommodation that permits you to do so. 

There is a washroom located inside the testing area.

You may not leave the testing area until your test is complete, unless there is an emergency. If you must evacuate the building for an emergency, leave all testing materials in the testing room and proceed to the nearest exit.

Scent-Free Environment

Please be aware that you may be denied entry into Testing Services if your scent interferes with other test takers during the examination.

Personal Belongings

Complimentary lockers are available to store your personal belongings, including all non-permitted items. If lockers are unavailable due to operational reasons, Testing Services staff will offer options for the safekeeping of your items.

If you are found with non-permitted items while writing your test, it will be reported to the instructor or test provider.

Testing Services Team

Phone: 403.342.3292

Office Hours: Monday to Friday | 8 am – 4 pm

Testing Hours: Monday to Friday | 8:15 am – 3:45 pm 

Closed on weekends and statutory holidays. 

Email Us