
Student Feedback

Student Feedback Instrument

The Student Feedback Instrument (SFI) is Red Deer Polytechnic's way of collecting instruction feedback from students.  Let your voice be heard and help enhance RDP's teaching and learning.

SFIs for credit courses will be administered after 75% of a course has been completed (see important dates below). Once available, you can access your SFI through your Red Deer Polytechnic email or Blackboard.

Student Feedback Instruments are overseen by Red Deer Polytechnic's Institutional Research department.

Win a Prize!

For each SFI you complete, your name will be entered for a chance to win a $100 Pre-Paid Visa Gift Card (10 cards will be available to be won!)

More Info

  • Student feedback will be obtained in each course using the SFI approved by the Faculty Performance Committee. 
  • Non-instructional faculty members will receive feedback from students in small groups, workshops or classes conducted using an SFI approved by the Faculty Performance Committee. 
  • Each term, the Dean and faculty member will get a summary of all the student feedback data.
  • After final grades are submitted, instructors will get their SFI results on the scheduled release date.
  • Comments will appear as exactly as written by the respondent, but unless you identify yourself in your comments, your identity will remain anonymous.   In addition, to further protect your anonymity, we do not release SFI results for courses with less than three responders.
    • Instructors can review how many responses were received vs how many were invited to participate – no identifying student information is provided.
    • The 5-point scale ratings from all respondents will be summarized and all comments (as written but in no particular order) will be listed following each Question Section Block.

The last line on your SFI will read: "Thank you for participating in this evaluation for INSTRUCTOR NAME in your course: COURSE NAME."

Do not hit submit if you realize you have provided feedback for the wrong instructor. Once you have submitted your responses, you will be unable to return to make any further changes. If you realize this error has occurred, please notify the SFIFacilitator.

If you have a serious or immediate concern about your instructor, you may go directly to the Dean/Associate Dean for your instructor to discuss the matter further.  

  • If you are unaware of who the Associate Dean is for your course/instructor, contact the SFIFacilitator with your Course Name and Section (ie., ENGL 999 Z) and the instructor’s nameThe appropriate name and contact information will be forwarded to you.

Faculty Information

Download the Faculty FAQs for your reference.

SFI Important Dates

Summer 2024 Term (202510)

Term Duration: July 2 - August 14, 2024

SFI Administration Dates: August 2 - 14, 2024

NOTE:  All SFIs open at midnight of their start date and remain open until 11:59 PM of their end date (which is also the last day of your course).

SFI Reports released on: Friday, August 30, 2024

Fall 2024 Term (202520)

Term Duration: September 4 - December 9, 2024

SFI Administration Dates: November 12 - December 9, 2024

NOTE:  All SFIs open at midnight of their start date and remain open until 11:59 PM of their end date (which is also the last day of your course).

SFI Reports released on: Monday, December 23, 2024

Winter 2025 Term (202530)

Term Duration: January 7 - April 10, 2025

SFI Administration Dates: March 14 - April 10, 2025

NOTE:  All SFIs open at midnight of their start date and remain open until 11:59 PM of their end date (which is also the last day of your course).

SFI Reports released on: Tuesday, April 29, 2025

Spring 2025 Term (202540)

Term Duration: May 1 - June 13, 2025

SFI Administration Dates: June 4 - 13, 2025

NOTE:  All SFIs open at midnight of their start date and remain open until 11:59 PM of their end date (which is also the last day of your course).

SFI Reports released on: Friday, June 27, 2025

Get in Touch

If you have any questions regarding the dates during which the various steps of the SFI process takes place, or questions about the SFI administration process, please contact the SFI Facilitator by email or phone at 403.342.3343.

Email Us