Alumni Excellence

Alumni Stories
Hear about our amazing alumni and the impact they are making on our community. Or tell us about your meaningful connection to RDP and let us share your story!
Awards & Recognition
We are immensely proud of our alumni. We’re pleased to present two annual alumni awards that celebrate these achievements and the lasting impact our alumni have on our community.
You can nominate a friend, family member, colleague or former classmate for an alumni award and recognize the outstanding achievements that they have made.
Each year, the RDP Alumni Association acknowledges a Distinguished Alum who has established themselves academically, professionally and/or in community service. The Alumni Legacy Award commemorates the community contributions of alumni who have passed away.
This award is presented to an alum who has distinguished themselves in one or more of the following areas: personal achievement, academic achievement or public service achievement.

Community Awards
Each year at Red Deer Polytechnic's Community Awards, we honour deserving individuals and community partners who have provided meaningful contributions to our learners and communities. This celebratory event provides an opportunity for community members, alumni and distinguished guests to connect with one another, and to celebrate the year's honourees.
Nominate a Deserving Alum
It's easy to nominate someone for an alumni award. The deadline for nominations is August 15 of each year.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who Can Nominate?
Red Deer Polytechnic employees, students, alumni and community members can nominate Red Deer Polytechnic alumni for the Distinguished Alum Award and the Alumni Legacy Award.
What Should My Nomination Letter Say?
The nomination letter, as well as the letters of support the nominator collects, should document the candidate’s specific contributions and accomplishments, which support the nomination. Letters should answer some or all of the following questions:
- In what way is the candidate’s achievement exceptional?
- What is the prominence of the candidate in their field?
- How has the candidate contributed to society and/or served the community or made contributions to the Red Deer Polytechnic Alumni Association?
- In what ways can the candidate be considered an inspiration to students?
Who Will See My Nomination Package?
Only the award selection committee and employees of Red Deer Polytechnic directly involved in the award selection or presentation process will see the complete nomination package. Information provided in the package, including information from the letters of support, will be used to create communications about the award winners, however, identifying information will never be published without the consent of the contributor. To ensure this confidentiality is protected, further distribution of any or all parts of the nomination package, without the express written consent of Red Deer Polytechnic, is strictly prohibited.
How Are Award Winners Chosen?
By committee. Composition of the Alumni Awards Selection Committee will consist of a minimum of three members of the Red Deer Polytechnic Alumni Association Executive, one of which will be the Chairperson, as well as the Associate Vice President, External Relations.
How Will I Know If My Nomination Is Successful?
Once the award winner is selected, all nominators and nominees will be contacted. If your nomination was successful, you and the award winner or representative will be invited to the Community Awards Dinner where the Alumni Awards are presented each year. If your nomination was unsuccessful, Red Deer Polytechnic will hold your nomination over and resubmit the following year on your behalf. Candidates remain nominated for a total of three years.
Do I need to fill out the online form? What other ways can I submit a nomination package?
You can submit your nomination through the online form. Your complete nomination package can be emailed to or mailed to RDP Alumni Relations c/o Red Deer Polytechnic | Box 5005 | Red Deer, AB | T4N 5H5. Please note that nominations must be received before August 15 of each year.
If you need more information about the awards or past recipients, please email us.