Prior Learning and Transfer Credits

Your life experience is valuable. Earn credit towards your RDP program for the knowledge, skills and attitudes that you’ve gained. Prior learning can include:
formal learning (e.g. taking credit courses) at another institution
informal learning (e.g. as a volunteer, through self-study, taking massive open online courses - or MOOC - courses)
non-formal learning (e.g. professional development, non-credit education, job training, certifications)
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Assessment Process
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is the assessment processes that RDP uses to evaluate and recognize you for the knowledge, skills and attitudes that you’ve gained in life.
Prior Learning is Recognized Through Various Ways
Advanced Placement (AP)
Advanced Placement from High School
Advanced Placement (AP) graduates may receive academic credit at RDP for their AP credential earned during high school. Only AP grades of 4 or 5 are accepted for transfer credit. An official AP transcript is required for assessment.
Transfer credit at RDP will be awarded based on current articulation agreements with Alberta Universities as cited in the Alberta Transfer Guide. For courses not governed by an articulation agreement, students may choose to pursue a Challenge process in order to obtain academic credit at RDP.
When registering please tell your Advisor that you have AP courses. Caution must be exercised as Advanced Standing for AP courses may not be recognized by some receiving institutions. Policies of institutions which you plan to attend after Red Deer Polytechnic should be taken into account.
Advanced Placement within RDP
Advanced Placement recognizes learning that enables students to waive a prerequisite and register directly into a higher-level course, or acknowledges that the desired learning outcomes have been achieved in an equivalent course.
Advanced Placement is applicable for students transferring courses across programs within Red Deer Polytechnic (noted as “AP” in the College transcript). If a prerequisite or equivalent course is waived, no credit for the prerequisite or equivalent course is granted.
Challenge Exam
A Challenge examination process may allow students to obtain a formal grade on their College transcript when their prior learning is recognized.
Students applying for a Challenge Exam must complete and submit a Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) application, accompanied by the appropriate supporting documentation, as determined by the Polytechnic Assessors, outlining the previous course-specific learning which qualifies the application. Supporting documentation includes any and all transcripts, course outlines/descriptions, or other documentation necessary to support the student's PLAR application.
Upon approval of a Challenge Exam by the Polytechnic, the student must pay the requisite non-refundable Challenge fee and register in the Challenge section of the course. The outcome of the Challenge process will be indicated as a comment for the requisite course on the official transcript, indicate the grade earned and the appropriate credit weight.
The outcome of the Challenge is indicated on the transcript regardless of the grade obtained.
Additional details for you to be aware of relating to the Challenge process are:
- Students may not challenge an RDP course for which they have already received a passing grade. Students may challenge an RDP course which they have previously failed, if, subsequent to taking the course, they have obtained another learning experience elsewhere.
- Students may not challenge a course previously waived as a pre-requisite for a higher-level course, or where Advanced Placement (AP), Prior Learning Credit (PL), or Transfer Credit (TR) has already been granted.
- A challenge must be completed within the term in which the student is registered in the Challenge section of the course and on or before the last day of final exams for that term. Once the challenge is complete, the notation “Challenge” is placed as a course comment underneath the course on the transcript; and a grade is also assigned. If the student is unable to complete the Challenge exam before the last day of the final exams in the term in which they are registered for the Challenge, they may apply to Withdraw from the Challenge process. If a student is granted a withdrawal from the Challenge process, the notation “WD”, with the Challenge comment appears on the transcript.
Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PL)
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is the assessment processes that are used to evaluate and provide recognition for the knowledge, skills and attitudes that people have acquired in their lives which includes formal learning, non-formal learning and informal learning. Credit obtained through a Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) process, acknowledges learning that may have taken place in a venue other than a traditional post-secondary classroom.
RPL can take various forms, Advanced Placement (AP), Challenge Exam, Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PL), or Transfer Credit (TR), and the associated outcomes can be used for different purposes relevant to the individual's educational program at RDP.
High school students who took courses designated as Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB) and Tech Prep can apply for a prior learning assessment.
To qualify for a Red Deer Polytechnic program credential, students must complete at least 50 per cent of the credit requirements for the credential through enrolment in RDP courses unless a formal agreement for alternate pathways has been approved by the Vice President Academic.
PLAR applicants must complete a Recognition of Prior Learning Application Form, and must provide the Polytechnic Assessors with any and all transcripts, course outlines/descriptions, or other documentation necessary to support their PLAR application.
RDP uses a “Course Credit” model of granting PLAR credit. Therefore, any credit awards using this process will be based on the applicant meeting the requisite course outcomes and/or demonstrated competencies specific to current Polytechnic course curricula. RDP does not grant PLAR credit on a program level, nor will the Polytechnic grant unspecified PLAR credit.
It is the responsibility of the applicant or student to provide the assessors of Red Deer Polytechnic with any transcripts, course outlines, or descriptions, or any other documentation necessary to support the prior learning application.
Prior Learning Assessment & Recognition Process
If a PLAR process is approved, assessment may take the form of:
- A portfolio; written summary of learning gained from informal learning experiences
- Letters of attestation from employers and/or associates that support claim of competency
- Photos and/or videos that demonstrate skills/competence or products of learning
- References from relevant professionals who support claims of skill mastery within the appropriate context
- Annotated summary of group projects with clear delineation of individual skills mastered
- Performance/assessment reports from current employers
- Essays, projects, assignments or other course appropriate evaluation strategies
- Standardized tests: Paper & pencil or computerized tests may be used to assess theoretical or applied knowledge relevant to the curricula being reviewed for credit
- Skills assessments: Such an assessment will be a demonstration of skills within a prescribed environment, i.e. laboratory or practicum setting, for the express purpose of assessing an individual's ability to meet the learning outcomes of a RDP course or program, and obtain relevant credit
- Review of Employer-Based Training: Review of private or public sector-sponsored training programs
- Other strategies as determined by the Assessors, that enable a comparison of learning outcomes/competencies and specific course curricula.
If credit is granted via this process, the information will appear on the transcript as "PL", with the appropriate credit weight attached, but no grade is assigned.
Many universities will not recognize a grade of "PL" on an official transcript, students should check with the receiving institution before initiating a PLAR process.
Recognition of prior learning applications that are not approved may be appealed to the Registrar. The Registrar’s decision is final.
Transfer Credit (TR)
Transfer Credit may be granted when a student provides appropriate documentation of an equivalent course taken at another post-secondary institution. The Alberta Transfer Guide, or other provincial transfer guide(s) and academic calendar course descriptions/outlines will be used to determine if the course may be formally recognized. Recognition may also be granted for learning experiences which are equivalent to an identified RDP course (i.e. practica or studio). In these cases, the student must provide documentation acceptable to the Polytechnic.
Official Transcripts, Academic Course/Outlines and other supporting documentation as determined by the College Assessor must be provided by the student. Foreign language documents must be translated and certified by an accredited translator. Transfer credit is applicable for students who are bringing programs and courses from other post-secondary and educational institutions at the post-secondary level. Students not eligible for Transfer Credit may explore other Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) options.
When Transfer Credit is granted, the information will appear on the College transcript as "TR", with the appropriate credit weight attached, but no grade is assigned. Students will be advised of the fee requirement, if applicable, after submission of their completed Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) application.
To qualify for an RDP program credential, students must complete at least 50% of the credit requirements for the credential through enrolment in RDP courses.
Letter of Permission
Students may obtain a Letter of Permission (Visiting Student Letter), requesting formal recognition of course work to be completed in the future at another post-secondary institution on their RDP transcript in the form of Transfer Credit. Using an RPL application to request a letter of permission, students must provide the relevant details of the course they propose to take as the basis of the Letter of Permission is a pre-approval of equivalent course curriculum.
Provincial Business Administration Pathway
Applicants to Business Administration programs at RDP may be eligible for transfer through the provincial Business Administration pathway agreement. If you have completed Business Administration course work at Athabasca University, Bow Valley College, Grande Prairie Regional College, Keyano College, Lakeland College, Lethbridge College, MacEwan University, Medicine Hat College, NAIT, Norquest College, Northern Lakes College, Olds College, Portage College, or SAIT in the last five years. Please contact an Academic Advisor at the Donald School of Business for further information.
High school students can receive prior learning by taking courses designated as:
Advanced Placement (AP)
Advanced Placement from High School
Advanced Placement (AP) graduates may receive academic credit at RDP for their AP credential earned during high school. Only AP grades of 4 or 5 are accepted for transfer credit. An official AP transcript is required for assessment.
Transfer credit at RDP will be awarded based on current articulation agreements with Alberta Universities as cited in the Alberta Transfer Guide. For courses not governed by an articulation agreement, students may choose to pursue a Challenge process in order to obtain academic credit at RDP.
When registering please tell your Advisor that you have AP courses. Caution must be exercised as Advanced Standing for AP courses may not be recognized by some receiving institutions. Policies of institutions which you plan to attend after Red Deer Polytechnic should be taken into account.
Advanced Placement within RDP
Advanced Placement recognizes learning that enables students to waive a prerequisite and register directly into a higher-level course, or acknowledges that the desired learning outcomes have been achieved in an equivalent course.
Advanced Placement is applicable for students transferring courses across programs within Red Deer Polytechnic (noted as “AP” in the College transcript). If a prerequisite or equivalent course is waived, no credit for the prerequisite or equivalent course is granted.
International Baccalaureate (IB)
IB graduates may receive up to 30 credits (five full course equivalents) at RDP for their IB Diploma earned during high school. IB grades of 5 or lower will not be accepted for transfer credit at RDP. An official IB transcript is required for assessment.
Transfer credit at RDP will be awarded based on current articulation agreements with Alberta Universities as cited in the Alberta Transfer Guide. For courses not governed by an articulation agreement, students may choose to pursue a Challenge process in order to obtain academic credit at RDP.
When registering please tell your Advisor that you have IB courses. Caution must be exercised as Advanced Standing for IB courses may not be recognized by some receiving institutions. Policies of institutions which you plan to attend after Red Deer Polytechnic should be taken into account.
Note: Students who plan to major in the physical sciences will be required by RDP to take the appropriate first year courses in mathematics and chemistry or to write challenge examinations rather than to accept transfer credit for RDC Mathematics 212 and RDC Chemistry 211.
Red Deer Polytechnic can assess prior learning using a variety of documents that are submitted by the RDP student applicant. These documents include:
A portfolio; written summary of learning gained from informal learning experiences
Letters of attestation from employers and/or associates that support claim of competency
Photos and/or videos that demonstrate skills/competence or products of learning
References from relevant professionals who support claims of skill mastery within the appropriate context
Annotated summary of group projects with clear delineation of individual skills mastered
Performance/assessment reports from current employers
Essays, projects, assignments or other course appropriate evaluation strategies
Standardized tests: Paper & pencil or computerized tests may be used to assess theoretical or applied knowledge relevant to the curricula being reviewed for credit
Skills assessments: Such an assessment will be a demonstration of skills within a prescribed environment, i.e. laboratory or practicum setting, for the express purpose of assessing an individual's ability to meet the learning outcomes of a RDP course or program, and obtain relevant credit
Review of Employer-Based Training: Review of private or public sector-sponsored training programs
Other strategies as determined by RDP that enable a comparison of learning outcomes/competencies and specific course curricula
How to Apply for Prior Learning Credit
To receive credit for prior learning, you must submit a Recognition of Prior Learning Application Form.
Once you’ve completed the form, please email it.
You must also submit to RDP all transcripts, course outlines, course descriptions or other documents necessary to support your Prior Learning Application.
Applications for transfer credit assessment require official transcripts to be submitted from the awarding institution. Other supporting documentation (e.g. academic course outlines or descriptions) may be attached to the Recognition of Prior Learning application.
You must have applied and/or been admitted to a credit program to submit a Recognition of Prior Learning Application Form. You do not have to be registered in a course to submit this form.
To access the Recognition of Prior Learning Application Form, please login to your Loop account.
A Recognition of Prior Learning fee may be required by Red Deer Polytechnic to support the assessment process. The RDP Assessor will determine if a fee is applicable and will notify the applicant after submission of the initial application. All fees are non-transferable and non-refundable.
Please submit Recognition of Prior Learning Application Forms at least eight weeks before the start of courses in which you plan to enrol.
Applications received after April 15 may not be completed before the Fall term starts.
Students registering for programs and courses starting in the Fall, Winter or Spring/Summer terms must submit completed Recognition of Prior Learning Application Forms before the Add/Drop date in the relevant term for courses in which they are registered, for credit to be applied to that term.
If students apply for a Prior Learning assessment for a course in which they are currently registered, they will be expected to produce the relevant documentation, and/or complete the requisite assessment, within the first two weeks of the term in which they are registered in the course.
Receiving Prior Learning Credit
If prior learning credit is granted via this process, the information will appear on your transcript as "PL", with the appropriate credit weight attached, but no grade is assigned.
Many universities will not recognize a grade of "PL" on an official transcript, students should check with the receiving institution before initiating a PLAR process.
To qualify for a Red Deer Polytechnic program credential, students must complete at least 50 per cent of the credit requirements for the credential through enrolment in RDP courses. Otherwise, a formal agreement for alternate pathways must be approved by the Polytechnic’s Vice President Academic and Student Experience.
Not all RDP courses are eligible for Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition, Transfer Credit, Challenge or Advanced Placement. Restricted courses are identified in the Course Descriptions.
Credit granted via Recognition of Prior Learning may affect the status of funded students, as well as eligibility for scholarships. Students who are eligible for scholarships and/or bursaries should contact the Student Connect Centre at RDP to review if any Recognition of Prior Learning credit will affect their eligibility.
RDP uses a “Course Credit” model of granting Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) credit.
Any credits awarded using this process will be based on the applicant meeting the requisite course outcomes and/or demonstrated competencies specific to current Polytechnic course curricula.
RDP does not grant PLAR credit on a program level, nor will the Polytechnic grant unspecified PLAR credit.
Recognition of prior learning applications that are not approved may be appealed to Red Deer Polytechnic’s Registrar. The Registrar’s decision is final.