Wesley Maciejewski
Wes was born and raised in Central Alberta. He attended the University of Alberta and received an honours degree in Pure Mathematics. This led to a Master of Science degree from the University of Calgary, and then a Doctor of Philosophy at Queen’s University at Kingston. His Ph.D. work was on the evolution of social behaviours in structured populations, though much of his activity also focused on mathematics education in post secondary institutions.
Since receiving his Ph.D. in 2012, Wes held two post-doctoral fellowships from the University of British Columbia, one in mathematics and one in the Carl Weiman Science Education Initiative. Subsequently, he was a faculty member at the University of Auckland, visited universities in Germany and Austria, and an Associate Professor of Mathematics Education at San José State University in California. He decided to move back to Alberta during the COVID-19 pandemic and is very happy to be at Red Deer Polytechnic since 2022.
Wes’s research interests are diverse and primarily include mathematical modelling of biological situations and progressive teaching practices in post-secondary mathematics.
PhD (Mathematics), Queen's University
MSc (Mathematics), University of Calgary
BSc (Mathematics), University of Alberta