Orange Shirt Day T-Shirt Design Contest

Student wearing an orange shirt. Text is Orange Shirt Day Contest.

Red Deer Polytechnic’s Indigenous Initiatives, in partnership with the Students' Association of Red Deer Polytechnic, is excited to announce a t-shirt design contest in honour of Orange Shirt Day (September 30).

Orange Shirt Day is a day when we honour the Indigenous children who were sent away to residential schools in Canada. It’s also a day to learn more about the history of those schools. The use of an orange shirt is a symbol inspired by the accounts of Phyllis Webstad, whose personal clothing, including a new orange shirt, was taken from her during her first day of residential school and never returned. The orange shirt represents the forced assimilation of Indigenous children that the residential school system enforced. The goal is to raise awareness of the individual, family and community intergenerational impacts of residential schools and promote the concept that “Every Child Matters”. 

We invite all RDP students and alumni to submit their original t-shirt designs that reflect the spirit and message of Orange Shirt Day. The selected design will be featured on the Orange Shirt Day t-shirt, which will be available for purchase on campus in September. All proceeds from the t-shirt sales will go towards supporting Indigenous Initiatives at RDP.

The winner will be recognized for their artwork and will receive an orange t-shirt featuring their design, as well as other generously donated prizes.


  • Open to all RDP students and alumni.


  • August 4, 2024, at 11:59 pm MT

Questions? Contact Indigenous Initiatives.

Submission and Design Guidelines
  • Design Theme: Artwork must include the text “Every Child Matters”.
  • Original Artwork: Artwork must be the student’s/alumni’s original design.
  • Design Specification:
    • Digital graphic only
    • Black (one colour only and suitable for printing on t-shirts)
    • 10” w x 12” h at 300 dpi 
    • High-resolution .png file (saved with a transparent background)
  • Number of Entries: You may submit up to three designs.
  • Consent Form: Complete this consent form  and submit the signed copy along with your design via email.
Submission Process

Designs and a signed consent form must be emailed to Indigenous Initiatives with “2024 Orange Shirt Day T-Shirt Design Submission” as the subject line by August 4, 2024 at 11:59 pm MT. Entries received after this deadline or submissions without a signed consent form will not be considered.

Please include the following information in your email:

  • Your Full Name
  • Your RDP Student ID#
  • A brief description of your design (for each artwork)
  • Attachment – Designs and Consent Form
About the event
Tuesday, Jul 2 to Sunday, Aug 4 | 8:30 am - 11:59 pm
Red Deer Polytechnic, Main Campus
RDP Alumni
Indigenous Cultural Connections
Submit Design