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RDP Partners with SAIT & NAIT for 2nd Annual Applied Research Symposium

Sep 17, 2024
Demonstration of laser scanning in RDP's Centre for Innovation in Manufacturing-Technology Access Centre

Today experts in applied research across Alberta convened for the second annual Alberta Corridor Technical Symposium, titled Research Matters: Empowering Alberta Through Innovative Solutions.

This event organized by the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT), Red Deer Polytechnic (RDP)
and the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) brings together students and applied researchers
from colleges and polytechnics across Alberta to present their cutting-edge, industry and community facing
applied research projects.

With the aim of creating innovative solutions to support Alberta’s diverse economy, the research projects
explored a wide range of topics including medical device innovation and assistive technology for long-term
care patients.

Students also had a chance to showcase their research, providing essential capacity and industry
partnerships that fuel a thriving economy. Students from all three post-secondaries exhibited their research
findings on topics such as parasport equipment design and energy innovation.

“Alberta’s polytechnics are at the forefront of applied research, providing essential capacity and industry partnerships that fuel a thriving economy,” says Dr. Tonya Wolfe, Associate Vice President, Applied Research, RDP. “Red Deer Polytechnic, a leader in advanced manufacturing, sustainable energy and social and healthcare innovation, is proud to collaborate with SAIT and NAIT to showcase the groundbreaking research shaping Alberta’s future.”


“The annual Alberta Corridor Technical Symposium brings SAIT together with our provincial polytechnic partners to showcase industry-driven research and solutions across the various disciplines supporting Alberta’s economy,” says Jamie McInnis, Director of Applied Research and Innovation Services, SAIT. “With a focus on empowering Alberta through innovation, the opportunity to share applied research and connect outcomes to real-world problems will continue to propel industry forward. Through this network, we are collectively positioning Alberta as a leader in research and innovation.”


“Our collaboration across polytechnics and colleges has never been stronger in driving impactful results for Alberta’s economy,” says Olle Lagerquist, Associate Vice President, Industry Solutions, NAIT. “Through applied research and close partnerships with industry and communities, we are fostering innovation and
addressing real-world challenges and today’s symposium highlights the power of our collective efforts and how our institutions are supporting Alberta.”

The annual Alberta Corridor Technical Symposium began in 2023 with the first event being held at SAIT.
The one-day event embodies the spirit of collaboration and innovation by bringing together three of Alberta’s
leading polytechnics to showcase the incredible work of Albertan researchers who are actively engaging in
cutting-edge research with real-world applications.

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