Red Deer Polytechnic installs Stuart Cullum as 12th President

Photo (l-r in the centre) - Stuart Cullum, President of Red Deer Polytechnic; Ian Cook, Visual Art instructor at the Polytechnic, who presented Mr. Cullum with an art piece depicting central Alberta
Red Deer Polytechnic formally welcomed Stuart Cullum as the 12th President of the institution with an installation ceremony.
Her Honour, the Honourable Salma Lakhani, Lieutenant Governor of Alberta, was on campus and officially installed Mr. Cullum as President of Red Deer Polytechnic after he took the Oath of Office and accepted his responsibilities of the Office of the President.
“As a Board, we are very grateful to have Stuart as the President of Red Deer Polytechnic to lead the institution into the future,” says Guy Pelletier, Chair of Red Deer Polytechnic’s Board of Governors. “His experience, skillset, and vision for polytechnic education will serve learners, communities and the province extremely well for many years to come.”
Prior to joining the Polytechnic, Cullum served as President of Olds College of Agriculture & Technology for five years. With his leadership, Olds College of Agriculture & Technology experienced unprecedented growth in several key areas. Some examples included the increase of student enrolment by 12 per cent, more than $23 million in applied research funding, and the establishment of the College’s Smart Farm, which secured partners around the world and more than $40 million in investment.
“I am thrilled to join Red Deer Polytechnic during an important time in the institution’s history,” says Stuart Cullum, President of Red Deer Polytechnic. “The Polytechnic’s unique breadth of programming is a strength of our institution, as is our focus on industrial and socially relevant applied research."
Since Mr. Cullum began his role as President on August 2, 2022, Red Deer Polytechnic has continued to advance. The Polytechnic received approval to offer five new micro-credentials - Complex Care and Patient Navigator, Classroom Support Aide, Statistical Consultant, Photovoltaic Systems: Design and Install, and Substance and Addictions Support Worker.
Red Deer Polytechnic’s Centre for Innovation in Manufacturing (CIM-TAC) was awarded $570,000 in federal funding to purchase health care device manufacturing equipment. The funding is provided through PrairiesCan’s Regional Innovation Ecosystem program which provides investment to not-for-profit organizations that support businesses to grow, innovate and compete around the world.
On October 31, Mr. Cullum signed the United Nations SDG Accord in conjunction with Savannah Snow, President of the Students’ Association, demonstrating Red Deer Polytechnic’s commitment to inspire and advance the important role that education has in achieving sustainable development goals.
Over the past three months, Red Deer Polytechnic has engaged with a variety of communities, demonstrating its commitment to collaborating and creating inclusive campuses. The Polytechnic welcomed thousands of learners – which include Indigenous and International students – to begin the 2022/2023 academic year. A variety of initiatives have also been held on campus, including during Truth and Reconciliation Week, which showcase the institution’s commitment toward indigenization and reconciliation.
In addition, community members, alumni, current Polytechnic students and employees, and prospective learners have been invited to participate in a variety of academic, athletic, cultural and social events and initiatives on campus. These opportunities enrich the Polytechnic community and help demonstrate the institution’s breadth of impact in the province.
Looking ahead, the Polytechnic’s focus on teaching, learning and applied research will evolve by increasing collaborations with communities, industry and organizations.
“Red Deer Polytechnic is positioned to be a venue and catalyst for innovation and development around the economic and social priorities of the region and province,” adds Cullum. “This defines our institution as a polytechnic and provides enhanced experiential learning opportunities for our students, applied research opportunities for our faculty and partnering opportunities for industry and community organizations.”