Program_BSc in Nursing

Bachelor of Science in Nursing - collaboration with University of Alberta

Prepare for a career that will truly make a difference in the lives of others. Gain invaluable critical thinking, clinical reasoning, and clinical judgment skills by applying knowledge in clinical placements in various healthcare settings.
Domestic Status:
International Status:
Next Start date:
4 Years
Accepting International Students
Full-Time On Campus

About the Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Nurses make a difference in the world by positively impacting the health of patients, communities, and populations. As a nurse, you will help them navigate health challenges by providing care, support, and education to patients and their families. 

In this program, you will focus on concept-based and intentional clinical learning to give you foundational knowledge and skills to provide safe quality patient care in today’s complex health settings. 

You will build your competency with clinical practice experiences in various healthcare settings across central Alberta in practicum settings that can include medicine, surgery, continuing care, community health, rural hospitals, and obstetrics.

You will also benefit from hands-on, experiential learning in specialized clinical and simulation labs. Begin to develop your own professional nursing identity by using evidence-based practices while you study for this meaningful career path.

Work-integrated Learning

Students in the BScN program will participate in various practicums such as; 

  • medicine
  • surgery
  • long-term care
  • community health
  • rural hospitals
  • obstetrics

Note: Students may be required to travel outside their preferred locations in Alberta to complete the practicum requirements.

Collaborative Study

For the first three years, you are registered as a Red Deer Polytechnic student and attend classes at RDP.

During year three you apply for official admission to the University of Alberta for your fourth year. If you meet the criteria (see below), you continue at Red Deer Polytechnic to complete your fourth year. 

Note: The University of Alberta will accept the completed first three years of the program as a block transfer. To be eligible to continue to the fourth year, you must have completed all required 3rd year courses and have a minimum G.P.A. of 2.00.

After completing year four, you will convocate from the U of A with a BScN. As a graduate, you can write the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) required for a license to practice in Alberta as a registered nurse (RN).

Domestic Intakes

Winter 2025 - Waitlisted
  • Application window:
  • Registration start date:
  • Fee payment deadline:
  • First day of classes:
Fall 2025 - Open
  • Application window:
  • Registration start date:
  • Fee payment deadline:
  • First day of classes:

International Intakes

Fall 2025 - Open
  • Application window:
  • Registration start date:
  • Fee payment deadline:
  • First day of classes:


  • International students must pay their tuition deposit to receive their letters of acceptance
  • Important dates may change 

Admission Requirements

Admission requirements for specific programs will often refer to Alberta Grade 12 course groups. Visit the Admission Requirements page for detailed group descriptions.   

International Students: If you are an international student or have completed your high school education outside of Alberta, please refer to our International Course Equivalencies page for information on how your coursework may align with our admission requirements. 

Eligibility for admission to the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program at Red Deer Polytechnic requires applicants to meet minimum academic requirements. Qualified applicants will be offered admission on a competitive basis, based on GPA ranking and the Casper score. 

Academic Requirements  

Students applying to Bachelor of Science in Nursing must have a minimum average of 65% with no mark below 50% in the course below or their equivalents:    

  • Biology 30 

  • Chemistry 30 or Science 30 

  • ELA 30-1 

  • Mathematics 30 (pure) or Mathematics 30-1 or 30-2 

  • Subject from Group A, B, or C 

    • Group A • Aboriginal Studies 30 • English Language Arts (ELA) 30-1 • Social Studies 30-1 • Language 30 or 35 (other than English)  

    • Group B • Art 30 • Art 31 • Band 35 • Choir 35 • Dance 35 • Drama 30 • Music 35 • Performing Arts 35A • Note: Other 5-credit Fine Arts and/or Advanced Level CTS courses may be considered.  

    • Group C • Biology 30 • Chemistry 30 • Mathematics 30-1 or 30-2 • Mathematics 31 • Physics 30 • Science 30 • Five credits of Advanced Level Computer Science (CSE) 

Additional Requirements

GPA Calculation Information

Bachelor of Science Nursing applicants will be offered admission on a competitive basis, based on GPA ranking and successful completion of the Casper assessment.

The GPA calculation for Conditional Admission will be calculated according to one of the following: 

  • 20 high school credits from the following subjects: Biology 30, Chemistry 30 or Science 30, Math 30-1 or 30-2, ELA 30-1. If any of these courses are in progress at the transcript submission deadline, the 20-level in the subject will be used. 

  • 18 post-secondary credits including all credits from the most recently completed term plus the best grades from the next most recent term. 

  • Applicants with fewer than 18 post-secondary credits will have their GPA calculated using all post-secondary credits plus the credits from the most recent semester from high school using the best grade(s) from the following five subjects: Biology 30, Chemistry 30 or Science 30, Math 30-1 or 30-2, ELA 30-1 to reach 18 credits. 

Note: Post-secondary credits will be used in the Conditional Admission GPA calculation before High School credits, regardless of when the post-secondary credits were taken. Post-secondary credits do NOT include any High School equivalents completed at a post-secondary institution (i.e. High School equivalents completed at RDP). 

Note: Transcript deadline for the initial GPA calculation for the Fall intake is March 1. Transcript deadline for the initial GPA calculation for the Winter intake is July 2.

Completion of Casper Test

Applicants are only permitted to write the Casper assessment once per academic cycle.  Applicants who have taken the test in previous years will be expected to retake it.

The final test date for the 2025-26 cycle is July 22.

Fall Intake: The deadline to write Casper for admission to the program is February 6. If you write Casper after February 6, you will be considered for the waitlist. 

Winter Intake: The deadline to write Casper and be considered for admission to the program is May 1. If you write Casper after May 1, you will be considered for the waitlist. 


English Language Proficiency

Applicants whose first language is not English must demonstrate English Language Proficiency (ELP) for admission to credit programs by providing official documentation to the Office of the Registrar after an online application has been submitted. All ELP tests must have been obtained within two years of the date their program starts. ELP requirements are in addition to the other admission requirements noted above.  

Study Permits

Students with Study Permits who are admitted to a program that has a practicum or clinical placement in childcare, primary/secondary school teaching or health service field occupations must complete their Medical Authorization as required by Citizenship and Immigration Canada one month before the start of classes. 

Students may be required to travel to locations outside their preferences in the province of Alberta to complete the practicum requirements.

Health & Safety

Health workers are responsible for attaining and maintaining required health & safety certifications and maintaining recommended immunization standards.

For clinical and practicum placements, as a student of a Health program, you must also meet these practice standards.

These health and safety requirements do not need to be submitted as part of your application. However, failure to submit the required documents will affect your progression in your chosen program.

View details about health & safety requirements for work-integrated learning (clinical and practicum) placements, including document submission deadlines.


Applicants are required to either have a MAC or a PC laptop that meet the following specifications: 

Apple Laptop 
Minimum requirement 

  • MacBook Air with 1.6 GHz dual-core Intel i5 processor, 128 Gb storage solid state, 4 Gb memory 

  • Web camera (built in or as peripheral) 

  • Microphone 

Windows Laptop 
Minimum requirement 

  • Laptop with 2.6 GHz dual-core Intel i5 processor, 128 Gb storage, 4 Gb memory and Windows 10 operating system 

  • Web camera (built in or as peripheral) 

  • Microphone 


  • Google Chrome browser 

  • Microsoft Word * 


  • USB memory stick (Flash drive) 

* Microsoft Word is used for several purposes. Students can either purchase & install the Microsoft Word application or access Office 365 which is provided as part of the RDP student account. 

Practicum Requirements

While every effort is made to consider student preferences for practicum location, due to practicum availability, students may be required to travel to locations outside their preferences in the province of Alberta to complete the practicum requirements.

Please note practicum refers to either clinical or preceptorship courses. This may include placement sites over 150 km. Clinical experiences may include day, evening, and weekend shifts.

Prior Learning and Transfer

Nursing courses from other programs will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis for prior learning. Nursing coursework older than two years from the Bachelor of Science in Nursing admission date is not eligible for Recognition of Prior Learning. 

Indigenous Learners

Designated Seats for Qualified Indigenous Applicants

The Bachelor of Science in Nursing program recognizes the need to facilitate access to post-secondary education for both Indigenous and non-Indigenous learners. To facilitate greater participation of Indigenous learners the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program has designated four seats for applicants who are Status Indian/First Nations, Non-Status Indian/First Nations, Metis or Inuit. Should no Indigenous applicants apply and meet the admission requirements for the designated seats, they will be released after June 1 of each year to qualified applicants on the waitlist if one exists for the program. 

Per the Constitution Act, 1982, Part II, Section 35(2), the applicant must meet the definition of Indigenous as an Indian, Inuit, or Métis person of Canada, or a person who is accepted by one of the Indigenous peoples of Canada as a member of their community. 

Indigenous applicants must meet the admission requirements for the program as outlined in the Academic Calendar and qualify for a designated seat by: 

Self-identifying as an Indigenous applicant on the Application for Admission. 

Providing proof of Indigenous ancestry. 

Proof of Indigenous ancestry (one of the following): 

  • Certified copy of a Status or Treaty card, Metis membership card, Nunavut Trust Certificate card, roll number or any other proof accepted by Inuit communities. 

  • Proof that an ancestor’s name has been entered in: the Indian Register according to the Indian Act, band list of an individual band or the Inuit roll. 

  • Written confirmation of Indigenous ancestry from Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada. 

  • Statutory Declaration by an applicant attesting to Aboriginal ancestry with supporting documentation. 

Other forms of proof may also be considered at the discretion of the Registrar. 

Program Cost

Domestic Students
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3

For Year 4 tuition, consult the University of Alberta.

These costs are an estimate of tuition based on the recommended course load per year, additional fees apply. 

Domestic Program Cost Estimates  

International Students
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3

For Year 4 tuition, consult the University of Alberta.

These costs are an estimate of tuition based on the recommended course load per year, additional fees apply. 

International Program Cost Estimates  

Program Content

The goal of the collaborative program is to provide a comprehensive curricular approach to student learning that is learner-centred and based on the development of discipline, profession, and practice components with mutual responsibility for teaching and learning by faculty and students.

Year one of the program is foundational, years two to four build on this foundation. In addition, a 3 credit English course and one elective are part of the program. 

Course Sequence 

  1. To proceed to Year 4, students must have successfully completed all courses listed in Years 1, 2, and 3, the English requirement, and the two open electives. 

  2. Students who do not meet the foundational or non-foundational minimal requirements, or receive a grade of F, NCR, or WD in any NURS course will be considered out of sequence. As a result, program length will be extended (see continuation requirements). 

  3. Courses may be configured differently depending on clinical placement availability. 

  4. Students who withdraw or fail a fourth-year nursing course (NURS 422, NURS 425, NURS 485) are required to follow applicable University of Alberta policies. Fourth-year students who have been out of clinical for a year or more are required to follow the applicable University of Alberta Academic Calendar. 

Graduation Requirements

For the first three years you are registered as a Red Deer Polytechnic student. During year three you apply for official admission to the University of Alberta for your fourth year. If you meet the criteria (see continuation requirements below), you continue at Red Deer Polytechnic to complete your fourth year. 

After completing year four, you will graduate from the U of A with a BScN. As a graduate, you will be eligible to write the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX). This is required for license to practice in Alberta as a registered nurse (RN). 

Continuation Requirements

In-Program Requirements 

a.  Foundational Course Minimum Pass: Students wishing to proceed in the Nursing program must achieve a grade of at least C+ in the foundational Nursing courses. A student who has not passed all foundational courses may not be able to progress. If a student receives a grade less than C+ in the second attempt of a foundational course, the student will normally be required to withdraw from the program. 

Foundational Courses:                                                                                                                                                                 
NURS 215, NURS 230, NURS 231, NURS 236, NURS 206, NURS 207, NURS 208, NURS 217, NURS 251, NURS 252 

b.  Non-Foundational Course Minimum pass: Students wishing to proceed in the Nursing program must achieve a grade of at least C in the non-foundational Nursing courses. If a student receives a grade less than C in the second attempt of a non-foundational course, the student will normally be required to withdraw from the program. 

Non-Foundational Courses: 

NURS 209, NURS 301, NURS 304, NURS 237, NURS 362, NURS 365 

c.  Probation: Requirements for nursing clinical courses: Any BScN student will be placed on probation following a failure/NCR in any nursing clinical course. When placed on probation, a student must fulfill any conditions specified by the Associate Dean, including receiving a grade of CR in any future nursing clinical course. 

NOTE: Students who fail to satisfy any of the conditions of probation are required to withdraw and are ineligible for readmission to the BScN program. 

d. Standing: A student with a term GPA of less than 1.7 will be required to withdraw from the BScN program. Students may re-apply to the program under the standard admission procedures for incoming students. Students who have been required to withdraw and who, after being readmitted, have a GPA of less than 2.0, will be required to withdraw and will not be readmitted to the BScN program. 

e.  Academic Progression Criteria: In order to progress to the winter term of each year of the BScN Program, students must successfully meet the minimum passing grades for each course in their fall term. In order to progress to subsequent years, students must successfully meet the minimal passing grades for all courses of the previous year. 

Courses taken outside RDP while in the BScN Program, require a letter of permission from RDP. The letter of permission only applies to the term for which it was applied. 

Progression from Year 1 into Year 2 may be on a competitive basis by GPA, due to a limited number of clinical placements, which will be calculated using all courses within the Fall and Winter terms for the first year of the BScN Program. A maximum of two attempts at enrolment in 2nd year will be permitted.  

f.   Maintaining Registration: 

  1. Permission of the Associate Dean is required before students can register in courses in which they have previously received a grade of F, NCR, or WD. Students who receive a grade of F or WD or NCR in any NURS course will be considered out of sequence. As a result, program length will be extended, and program completion may not be guaranteed. 

  2. Reregistration in Courses - A student who has a grade of WD or does not achieve the minimum grade of C+ in a foundational nursing course, or minimum grade of C in non-foundational nursing course, or who receives a grade of no credit (NCR) for a clinical nursing course may be permitted a second attempt of the course or its equivalent.   

Clinical Performance 

a.  Clinical Course Minimum pass: To proceed in the Nursing program students must achieve a grade of credit (CR) in the clinical nursing courses. Throughout the program, if a student receives a grade of no credit (NCR) for any two nursing clinical courses, the student will normally be required to withdraw from the program. 

Nursing Clinical Courses (Years 1 – 3): 
                NURS 250, NURS 253, NURS 360, NURS 361, NURS 363, NURS 364 

b.  Clinical competency development 

i. INTP 303 

a. Students who withdraw (WD) or who receive a grade of no credit (NCR) for a nursing clinical course in the second or third year of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program (NURS 250, NURS 253, NURS 360, NURS 361, NURS 363, NURS 364) will be required to enroll in and receive a grade of credit (CR) for INTP 303 prior to the next attempt of the clinical course. 

b. Students for whom INTP 303 is required who receive a grade of no credit (NCR) for this course will be required to withdraw from the BScN program. 

c. INTP 303 may be required when: 

  1. More than 12 months has passed since a student’s most recent successfully completed clinical course, or 

  2. A student is accepted for transfer from another Nursing program, and it is considered necessary to assess the student’s knowledge and skills. 

NOTE: Students who receive a grade of no credit (NCR) on the second attempt in any nursing clinical course after successfully passing INTP 303 will be required to withdraw from the program. 

Professional Ethics: All students enrolled in the BScN program at Red Deer Polytechnic are bound by and shall comply with the College of Registered Nurses of Alberta’s policies and standards governing the profession and practice of Nursing. This includes the current Canadian Nurses Association’s Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses, and all other relevant professional codes and practice standards for Registered Nurses. 

Students in year four of the BScN program will need to be familiar with the University of Alberta’s Code of Student Behavior (See §30.1 and 30.2 of the Code of Student Behaviour). The official version of the Code of Student Behaviour, as amended from time to time, is housed on the University of Alberta website at