RDP Townhome Residence

Community Housing Certificate

Crafted with precision and passion, the Community Housing Certificate Program stands as a beacon for those who desire to develop the essential skills, gain profound insights and build the confidence required to navigate the challenges of a leadership role in the housing sector.
42 Weeks

About the Community Housing Certificate Program

The Community Housing Certificate program will help you build the skills and knowledge necessary to become a visionary leader, creating an environment where tenants, employees and the broader community can thrive. You will confidently navigate the complex landscape and unique challenges like government subsidies, rent-geared-to-income frameworks and supporting tenants with disabilities with empathy and understanding.

You'll engage in meaningful, constructive conversations, building bridges and forging strong, collaborative relationships. With a comprehensive understanding of social housing history, laws, and practices, you'll be equipped to you will guide your team through challenges with wisdom and foresight.

We hope you will embrace this opportunity to make a difference, leading with heart, knowledge, and commitment. We look forward to seeing the incredible impact you will make!

Program Content

Core Courses

Community Housing in Alberta | ASHA – 134

Learn the history of community housing in Alberta and analyze the existing government regulations and the current state of social housing conditions. Focus on the strategic management of a community including the legal, political, and ethical framework in which the manager achieves the organization’s mission.

Community Housing Management | ASHA – 135

Examine the key areas of day-to-day social housing operational responsibilities. Focus on the strategic management of community housing. Examine the community manager’s role in forming an executive management team and in relation to governing entities.

Communication & Conflict Management | ASHA – 120

Develop interpersonal and oral communication skills. Focus on gaining skills and knowledge to manage conflict and build relationships. Come prepared to learn about the conflict management model, processes, and practices.

Mental Health & Addictions | ASHA – 133

Define the relationship between mental health, addictions, and housing instability. Acquire skills in handling crises related to mental health and addictions in community housing. Understand legal and ethical considerations related to mental health, addictions, and housing. 


Leadership Skills | ASHA – 121 

Acquire new knowledge and skills in leadership. Focus on moving an organization or a workgroup to a new, higher level of effectiveness, efficiency and/or workplace fulfillment. 

Human Resource (HR) Management | ASHA – 124 

Discover the framework for a successful HR function. Explore common HR methods and clarify roles and responsibilities within the senior housing site. 

Management Principles for Seniors & Community Housing | ASHA – 126 

Examine key areas of management principles and common skills of effective managers. Focus on practical elements of managerial activities through discussion and analysis. 

Personal & Professional Development | ASHA – 129 

Gain skills in presenting yourself professionally and achieving work/life balance. Assess your personal & professional needs and develop an action plan to support short and long-term work and personal growth.   

Essentials of Finance for Seniors & Community Housing | ASHA – 131 

Improve your financial acumen. Learn how to analyze financial statements, make capital budgeting decisions, and manage a budget. Emphasis in this course is on the practical application of theory through practice exercises/examples. 

Risk Management | ASHA – 132 

Risk management is a critical skillset in organizational best practices. Effective risk management reduces the negative impact of crises and provides tangible benefits and cost savings. This course introduces students to identifying risks within the operations and gives them tools to mitigate and/or defer risks through risk management activities, responding to risks, resourcing controls, and reaction planning.

Completion Requirements

To earn their certificate, students must take 7 courses: (4) core courses and (3) elective courses to hone their special interests. 

The evaluation methods are based on applied learning opportunities relating to the profession. Completion/submission of all assignments and projects is required. A minimum grade of 65% is required to complete each course. You must acquire a successful grade in courses to receive the certificate  

Admission Requirements

There are no admission requirements for this program. 

Technical Requirements

Reliable Internet connection, headset and microphone. 

Program Cost

Students From Canada
Total Program Cost - Non-members (ASCHA)
Total Program Cost - Members (ASCHA)

Please note that ASCHA must provide your membership discount code before course registration.

Core Courses

ASHA 120 Communication and Conflict Management

  • Develop interpersonal and oral communication skills. Focus on gaining skills and knowledge to manage conflict and build relationships. Come prepared to learn about the conflict management model, processes, and practices.

ASHA 133 Mental Health and Addictions

  • Define the relationship between mental health, addictions, and housing instability. Acquire skills in handling crises related to mental health and addictions in community housing. Understand legal and ethical considerations related to mental health, addictions, and housing.

ASHA 134 Social and Affordable Housing in Alberta

  • Learn the history of community housing in Alberta and analyze the existing government regulations and the current state of social housing conditions. Focus on the strategic management of a community including the legal, political, and ethical framework in which the manager achieves the organization’s mission.  

ASHA 135 Social Housing Management

  • Examine the key areas of day-to-day social housing operational responsibilities. Focus on the strategic management of community housing. Examine the community manager’s role in forming an executive management team and in relation to governing entities.


ASHA 121 Leadership Skills

  • Acquire new knowledge and skills in leadership. Focus on moving an organization or a work group to a new, higher level of effectiveness, efficiency and/or workplace fulfillment.  

ASHA 124 Human Resource (HR) Management

  • Discover the framework for a successful HR function. Explore common HR methods and clarify roles and responsibilities within the seniors housing site.

ASHA 126 Management Principles  

  • Examine key areas of management principles and common skills of effective managers. Focus on practical elements of managerial activities through discussion and analysis.

ASHA 131 Essentials of Finance  

Improve your financial acumen. Learn how to analyze financial statements, make capital budgeting decisions, and manage a budget. Emphasis in this course is on the practical application of theory through practice exercises/examples.

ASHA 129 Personal & Prof. Development

  • Gain skills in presenting yourself professionally and achieve work/life balance. Assess your personal & professional needs and develop an action plan to support short and long-term work and personal growth 

Completion Requirements

To earn their certificate, students must take 7 courses: (4) core courses and (3) elective courses to hone their special interests. 

The evaluation methods are based on applied learning opportunities relating to the profession. Completion/submission of all assignments and projects is required. A minimum grade of 65% is required to successfully complete each course. You must acquire a successful grade in courses to receive the certificate.