RDP Royals Rodeo

Royals Team photo

The Red Deer Polytechnic Rodeo Team competes in the college rodeo circuit within the Canadian Collegiate Rodeo Association (CCRA).

Sportsmanship, commitment and volunteerism are essential qualities of the Rodeo Team. With a strong emphasis on the team environment, our students work together to help each other in practices and at rodeos throughout the year.

The Royals will compete in two rodeo events during the Winter 2024 Term. The first one will take place from March 9-10 in Vermilion with their final rodeo being hosted in Olds from March 16-17. This will be the final rodeo before the top participants in each event compete at the 2024 Canadian Collegiate Finals Rodeo.

About the event
Saturday, Mar 16 | 11:00 am - 7:00 pm
Sunday, Mar 17 | 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Brawn Arena, Olds College of Agriculture & Technology
4500 50 St, Olds, AB T4H 1R6