

Red Deer Polytechnic Timetable

Use the RDP Timetable to search sections of courses offered at Red Deer Polytechnic. This page allows you to plan your course load before registering in your classes on TheLoop

When browsing courses, be sure to review the Delivery Method. 

  • Face to Face: Instruction occurs in person at a set scheduled time. 
  • Online: Instruction occurs in an online environment. See each course's attributes for details on whether you will be expected to learn in a synchronous, asynchronous or in a combined approach. 
    • Synchronous: Instruction takes place in an online virtual classroom at a set scheduled time.
    • Asynchronous: Instruction is not scheduled and learning occurs independently, at any time. Learners are responsible for pacing their learning and meeting deadlines within a set course schedule.
  • Hybrid: Instruction occurs simultaneously face to face and synchronously at a set scheduled time. Students choose how they attend each class.
  • HyFlex: Instruction occurs simultaneously face to face and synchronously at a set scheduled time, and asynchronously at any time. Students can choose how they participate in their learning.
  • Blended: Instruction alternates between face to face and online within a set schedule. Online instruction can be synchronous or asynchronous.

ZTC (Zero Textbook Cost): Search for sections of courses with no cost to access the required course resources. In the Timetable, use the Advanced Search feature and limit the Attribute to "Zero Textbook Cost." ZTC sections will have no cost to access textbooks, ebooks, or online homework systems. ZTC sections may still have costs associated with required supplies and technology, like lab safety gear, calculators, or computer requirements.